| Advances in Computational Radiative Transfer
| Zhixiong “James” Guo Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
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| 太阳集团tyc9728千佛山校区东配楼四层学术报告厅
嘉宾简介:郭志雄教授拥有美国罗格斯大学机械与航天工程系的终身教职,他从清华大学获得工程物理学的本科、硕士和博士学位,又于2001年从美国纽约大学工学院(NYU-Polytechnic School of Engineering)获得机械工程博士学位。 他的研究兴趣包含传热学和应用光学两个方面,在辐射-生物的相互作用、激光在生物医学和材料处理的应用、分子尺度和纳米尺度的光学传感、热能和太阳能辐射等方面享有极高的声誉。 他是超快速激光辐射传输建模和应用的开创者。他的研究获得了美国国家自然科学基金委、 NASA/NJSGC, USDA, MTF, NIH, New Jersey Nanotechnology Consortium, Charles and Johanna Busch Memorial Funds Awards等多个基金组织的资助。他在国际知名期刊上发表了90多篇论文,引用次数超过1510次。 他是ASME 传热学和国际传热学研究期刊的副主编,并未多个期刊的编委,并被选为美国机械工程师协会的会士。
报告内容: Thermal radiation is an important mode of heat transfer. It is a dominant energy transfer mechanism in high-temperature environment. Examples of thermal radiation include the visible light and thermal infrared. Applications include solar energy harvesting, infrared imaging, flame and combustion, high-temperature material processing, laser applications, etc. In this talk, we will introduce fundamental principles and basic applications of thermal radiation, and present modeling techniques. In situations where laser experimentation is complicated or expensive, numerical modeling can be implemented as a realistic alternative. In another lecture on “Laser Radiation Transfer and Some Emerging Applications”, we will focus on advanced laser technology applications.