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2018年10月17日 14:45-15:30 |
面向医疗健康的生物界面技术——交叉学科的研究经验汇报 |
刘志远 新加坡南洋理工大学,博士后 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
生物体的生理信息提取至关重要,是疾病诊断,反馈治疗,生控系统等生物医学领域的基础。由于生物体组织是柔软的有机体,柔性传感技术便应运而生。此次报告将包括柔性可拉伸电极及传感器的最新研究进展,及刘志远博士所发展的柔性可拉伸导电的贵金属薄膜技术,该技术在柔性能源等领域也会有广泛应用。更重要的是,刘志远博士具有六年多的生物医学传感器交叉研究实战经验,在当下交叉学科研究异军突起的时刻,他所分享的研究经验将有助于从事交叉学科研究的同仁,届时欢迎大家聆听与指正。 |
刘志远博士,本硕毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学(博士后),六年来始终专注研究生物界面柔性传感技术,提出了独特的实现可拉伸导电的黄金薄膜技术,在界面柔性电极及力学传感器方面广泛应用。曾获美国材料学会优秀博士生金奖,新加坡材料学会优秀博士生奖等国际奖项。 |
2018年10月17日 15:30-16:15 |
Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Network Prediction of Interfacial Thermal Resistance between Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride |
张景超 美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,超算应用专家 HPC Applications Specialist, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA |
High-performance thermal interface materials (TIMs) have attracted persistent attention for the design and development of miniaturized nanoelectronic devices; however, a large number of potential new materials exist to form these heterostructures and the explorations of their thermal properties are time consuming and expensive. In this work, we train several supervised machine learning (ML) and artificial neural network (ANN) models to predict the interfacial thermal resistance (R) between graphene and hexagonal boron–nitride (hBN) with only the knowledge of the system temperature, coupling strength between two layers, and in-plane tensile strains. The training data were obtained by high-throughput computations (HTCs) of R using classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Four different ML models, i.e., linear regression, polynomial regression, decision tree and random forest, are explored. A pair of one dense layer ANNs and another pair of two dense layer deep neural networks (DNNs) are also investigated. It is reported that the DNN models provide better R prediction results compared to the ML models. The thermal property predictions using HTC and ML/ANN models are applicable to a wide range of materials and open up new perspectives in the explorations of TIMs. |
2010年7月本科毕业于太阳成集团tyc9728,同年被评选为太阳集团tyc9728优秀毕业生和山东省优秀毕业生。2013年7月博士毕业于美国爱荷华州立大学机械工程专业,同年被评选为爱荷华州立大学优秀助研。2013年至今在美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校从事工程热物理的计算和模拟工作。现已发表SCI论文38篇,其中一区11篇,二区18篇,三区7篇,四区2篇。H-index和i10-index分别为17和24。同时担任美国超算联盟(XSEDE)校园大使,兼任Software Carpentry认证讲师。担任ACS Nano,Nano Letter和 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等42个国际期刊的审稿人,共审稿130余次。曾在ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications等三个SCI期刊主持特刊,任编委。 |
2018年10月17日 16:15-17:00 |
Microscale Studies on Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer of Dense Carbon Dioxide Segments in Water |
秦宁 美国哈佛大学医学院\马萨诸塞州总医院,研究员 Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA |
Microfluidic technologies are powerful tools in assisting the probes into complicated physical-chemical interactions of multiphase fluids in microscale geometries. Among such studies, carbon dioxide (CO2) has drawn increasing attention because of their environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas effects. However, dense CO2 including liquid and supercritical states as results of the storage circumstance in deep geoformations (depth > 800m) are rarely investigated mainly due to great technical difficulties in working with extreme pressures (~10s bar) and elevated temperatures (> 31°C). My PhD thesis research presents some first studies of the hydrodynamics and mass transfer of dense CO2 segments in microchannels. First, an experimental system dedicated to two phase microfluidic studies, especially for those related to extreme pressure/temperature conditions will be introduced. This system is one of a few in the world that enables quantitative studies of two- and multi-phase microflows. Second, an experimental study of liquid CO2/deionized (DI) water two phase flows in a micro T-junction will be presented, in which drop flow and co-flow are identified. Focusing on the drop flow, mass transfer mechanisms involving CO2 hydration, diffusion and advection and their effects in CO2 molecules transport are considered and discussed. Third, experimental investigations of the hydrodynamics and mass transfer of liquid CO2 and scCO2 drops traveling simultaneously with water in a long straight microchannel (15mm long) will be reported. Drop size and speed at specified positions of the channel are quantified. We proposed and developed a mathematical model to calculate the mass transfer coefficient based on drop length reductions and flowing time in the channel. Results indicate that surface-volume ratio and drop flow time are two main factors in controlling the hydrodynamic shrinkage of the liquid CO2 and scCO2 drops. Last, a numerical study will be presented shedding light on the hydrodynamics of single liquid CO2 drop and single scCO2 drop when they flow simultaneously with water as a carrier phase in a straight microchannel. Three liquid CO2 and three scCO2 cases are studied. The computed drop is in a capsule-like shape encapsulated by thin water films whose thickness agrees very well with experimental results in literature. The flow domain within CO2 drops are generally composed of a few vortex regions indicating the hydrodynamic scenario inside the drop. Formations of these vortexes are attributed to the shear stress nearby the interface. |
Dr. Ning Qin is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS). His research work at MGH and HMS is very interdisciplinary that spans microfluidics and biomedical optics and aims to the development of advanced technologies and instrument for rapid, effective, and point-of-care blood coagulation analyses. Dr. Qin’s research interests lie in multiple areas such as microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip technologies, droplets/bubbles, heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics, and carbon capture and storage (CCS). He received a bachelor’s degree in thermal engineering from Shandong University in 2009 and a master’s degree in refrigeration and cryogenics engineering from the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinses Academy of Sciences in 2012. He graduated and obtained his PhD degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada in 2017. During his PhD, he was a part-time research engineer at Genemis Laboratories Inc. based at Cambridge, Ontario, Canada and was a R&D consultant at QuantWave Technologies Inc. at Kitchener, Ontario. He was also a visiting scholar at the Institute for Bioprocessing and Analytical Measurement Techniques (iba) e.V., Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany in 2016. Dr. Qin is now a member of American Physical Society (APS) and a member of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering. He is a reviewer of multiple academic journals such as Physical Review E, Lab on a Chip, Energy & Fuels, Applied Energy, and Chemical Engineering Science.
2018年10月17日 17:00:-17:45 |
功能碳材料的设计合成及其在烟气CO2分离方面应用 |
刘鑫 英国诺丁汉大学,博士后 Postdoc, University of Nottingham, UK |
功能碳材料具有高比表面积、较高的热和化学稳定性以及可控孔结构和表面化学性质等特点,在能源领域特别是气体分离方面拥有广阔的应用前景。作为极具潜力的气体吸附剂,功能碳材料被广泛应用于CO2吸附与分离领域, 本报告将介绍功能碳材料在CO2吸附与分离中的应用以及如何通过对材料性质调控设计合成适应于不同条件的碳基CO2吸附剂。 |
刘鑫,英国诺丁汉大学博士后研究员,博士生合作导师。2007-2014年在太阳成集团tyc9728获得学士和硕士学位(燃煤污染物减排国家工程实验室)。2014-2017年在英国诺丁汉大学获得化学工程博士学位,之后留在博士课题组继续从事博士后研究。在博士及博后期间一直从事有序多孔材料设计与合成及其在能源领域的应用。主要研究内容包括有序多孔功能碳材料及介孔硅材料合成,及其在气体分离和碳捕集等方面的应用研究。 |
2018年10月18日 09:00-09:45 |
The Simple and Complicated Heat and Mass Management of PEM Fuel Cells and Water Electrolysers |
高鑫 丹麦奥尔堡大学,博士后 Postdoc, Aalborg University, Denmark |
This presentation gives a brief review of all my research work in different projects at Aalborg University, Denmark. Most of these projects are funded by Danish Ministry of Education (UVM) and Danish Energy Agency (ENS). Researches are mainly done on the heat and mass management optimization of these systems, 1) a methanol-fueled PBI membrane high temperature fuel cell system from SerEnergy A/S, 2) two generations of air-cooled FCgen®-H2PM LT-PEM systems from Ballard Europe A/S, 3) a liquid-cooled LT-PEM system, Ballard FCveloCity® for a forklift, 4) a PEM water electrolysis from EWII A/S. The complication of their heat and mass management is from the fact that they include vast phenomena, like electrochemical reactions, heat and mass transfer from µm to mm scale, multi-phase phase flow, and material property/contact-surface imperfectness, etc. All of these cause it expensive to measure accurately and cumbersome to simulate. Some phenomena themselves alone are under intensive research and still lack of thorough understanding. The simplicity is in the sense that a lot of phenomena are actually linked to and determined by the well defined models of heat and mass transfer in almost every textbook. However, simple does not mean obvious. Simple but tricky may be the most apt words. Join this presentation, let me show you some of my simple discoveries that may refresh your believes. |
Xin Gao was born in Shandong Province, China. He got his B.Eng. in Thermal Power Engineering and Automation from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 2000. He received M.Sc. Eng. in Automotive Power Machinery and Engineering from School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University in 2009. In 2014 he was honored Ph.D. in Energy Technology at Aalborg University and continued working in the same group as a postdoctoral researcher until now. His research interests cover heat and mass management optimization, multi-phase flow, thermodynamics, fluid-dynamics and their numerical simulations inside PEM/PBI-membrane fuel cells and water electrolysis. Besides, he has also worked on thermoelectric (Seebeck) devices and sought combining them with fuel cell systems for mutual benefits in steady-state and transient situations. During his PhD and postdoc, he has 9 published in journals, like Nano Research, Journal of Power Sources, and International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, among 20 in total and 5 more being worked on. At the same time, he has been teaching the course Heat Transfer and supervising students’ semester projects regularly. Furthermore, he serves the research community by attending international conferences for 10 times and as reviewer for journals and conferences, like Applied Energy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering for more than 30 times. He also visited Iowa State University as a visiting scholar and Tsinghua University as a project specialist in 2016. |
2018年10月18日 09:45-10:30 |
Implication of Improving Energy Efficiency for Water Resources |
汪诗锋 英国纽卡斯尔大学,研究员 Researcher, Newcastle University, UK |
能源和水系统关系着社会的发展。调查和理解能源-水系统之间的关系能够可持续地管理能源和水资源。本报告系统分析了热电系统的各个过程,从中建立能源效率和水资源之间的数学关系。然后利用这个数学模型分析了提高能源效率对英国各种水资源的影响。 |
汪诗锋,研究方向为能源技术和能源系统的能源效率和可持续性。2010年毕业于德国弗莱堡大学,获博士学位。共发表了20多篇SCI文章,有一篇SCI封面文章,出版了两本专著。其研究成果包括:独立创建了一个能源-经济-环境模型;研究并全球首次提出应从局部和全局评估能源技术对生态系统的影响,并发展出23个指标和相应的方法;完成全英1千米分辨率下的优化生物能热电能源系统;发展了能源效率-水模型。从2011年至今为英国能源与环境部(DECC) 能源环境方面的顾问。从2012年至今为英国国家基金EPSRC的评委。为遥感刊物编委 (Remote Sensing, ISSN:2315-4632),并担任多个国际期刊的审稿人。 |
2018年10月18日 10:30-11:15 |
Direct Numerical Simulation of Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames at High Karlovitz Numbers under Elevated Pressures |
王旭江 英国伦敦大学学院,博士 University College London, UK |
With growing concern about global climate change and increasingly stringent regulations on pollutants emissions, lean premixed combustion has had wide-ranging applications in industrial devices, e.g. stationary gas turbines. The turbulent flames in gas turbines are characterised by high-intensity turbulence and pressure. Under these critical conditions, flame structures and chemical processes will be dramatically modified. Therefore, it is vital to have a good understanding of fundamental characteristics of lean premixed combustion under critical conditions, which will promote the development of combustion devices and assist to validate turbulent combustion models. However, it is difficult and expensive to conduct experiments under high pressures. With the availability of increasingly powerful supercomputers, direct numerical simulation (DNS) of turbulent reacting flows has become feasible and affordable. The present study focuses on DNS of lean premixed H2/air flames under varying Karlovitz numbers, pressures and equivalence ratios. The effects of dominating parameters on turbulent flame structures and chemical pathways are analysed qualitatively and statistically. |
王旭江,男,英国伦敦大学学院(University College London,UCL)博士,太阳集团tyc9728英国校友会秘书长、全英山东同学会主席。2011年太阳集团tyc9728能源与环境系统工程专业本科毕业,并于同年保送到燃煤污染物减排国家工程实验室,从事柴油O2/CO2气氛下燃烧特性的实验研究。2014年10月以全额奖学金进入伦敦大学学院机械工程系攻读博士学位,师从燃烧领域著名学者Kai Luo,研究方向为高压高湍流强度下燃烧的直接数值模拟。作为英国燃烧学会会员,积极参与欧洲地区湍流燃烧模拟的合作与讨论,研究课题得到了UKCTRF 及 UKCOMES的大力支持。目前已发表学术论文10余篇,2018年入围Reynolds Prize。 |