主 题 |
Humidity and Temperature Independent Control Air Conditioning Technology in Tri-Generation System |
主讲人 |
朱杰 博士 |
时 间 |
2019年7月22日(周一)上午10:00 |
地 点 |
太阳集团tyc9728千佛山校区东配楼四层学术报告厅 |
嘉宾简介: 朱杰博士现任诺丁汉大学工程学院可持续能源技术讲师。他在应用热力学,除湿,制冷,热泵和可持续/可再生能源技术方面具有高水平的专业知识。他参与了由EPSRC,皇家学会,碳信托,欧盟FP7和行业资助的十多个研究项目,并获得了两项专利。他的研究主要目的是减少建筑行业的二氧化碳排放量。他目前正在开展与建筑设备,可再生和可持续技术以及能效技术相关的教学和研究工作,并指导六名博士研究生,已发表80多篇期刊和会议论文。 报告内容: A tri-generation technology can be used to provide decentralized electricity, heating and cooling powered by solar energy – the Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector (CLFR) with membrane units. The tri-generation is achieved by integration of steam engine with desiccant cooling/heating technology. In this system, a regenerator, instead of a condenser in steam engine cycle, is utilised by the desiccant unit as an energy source to produce cooling/heating for air conditioning. The desiccant cooling/heating system will use an innovative membrane technology to maximise heat and mass transfer between the air and the desiccant solution and also eliminate the carryover issue associated with liquid desiccant system. The membrane desiccant cooling/heating system is able to operate using a low temperature heat source, so would work efficiently with the discharged steam from turbine. The desiccant working fluid also acts a thermal storage medium and provides a means of thermal and power management to the turbine. In this talk, I will present our recent research work on the humidity and temperature independent control air conditioning technology in tri-generation system In addition, I will briefly introduce our department research facility and international collaboration opportunities, etc. |